Lascar volcano in Chile stirs, sending plume skyward

A volcano in the Andes in Chile's north rumbled to life early Saturday, triggering minor earth tremors and sending a plume of smoke and...

Some Native Hawaiians believe volcanoes should be treated like people, with distinct rights and responsibilities

Hawaii's largest and oldest volcano, Mauna Loa, began erupting on Nov. 27, 2022, with lava flowing miles away downhill. The last eruption, which lasted...

Mauna Loa lava no longer imminent threat to Hawaii highway

Lava from the world's largest volcano is no longer an imminent threat to the main highway across the Big Island of Hawaii, scientists said...

Let the lava flow! Iceland’s volcano show is a hit

In a dark auditorium in Reykjavik, bubbling orange lava flows down a slide to within inches of awe-struck visitors. The flow, contained on both sides...

Are volcanoes impacted by climate change? Or is it the other way around?

The eruption of Mauna Loa for the first time in 40 years on the Big Island of Hawaii follows a summer and fall that...

A flare and a spare: Hawaii volcano visitors see 2 eruptions

The first eruption in 38 years of Mauna Loa, the world's largest active volcano, is drawing visitors to Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, which is...

Viewers flock to watch glowing lava ooze from Hawaii volcano

The world's largest volcano oozed rivers of glowing lava Wednesday, drawing thousands of awestruck viewers who jammed a Hawaii highway that could soon be...

Death Valley’s Ubehebe Crater reveals volcanic hazard areas are underestimated

When magma bubbles up toward Earth's surface and meets groundwater, steam pressure builds, sometimes bursting into eruptions that spew currents of hot ash, potentially...

Hawaii eruption brings tourism boon during slow season

The spectacle of incandescent lava spewing from Hawaii's Mauna Loa has drawn thousands of visitors and is turning into a tourism boon for this...

‘Like a shotgun’: Tongan eruption is largest ever recorded

A deadly volcanic eruption near Tonga in January was the largest ever recorded with modern equipment, a New Zealand-led team of scientists revealed Monday. The...

Two volcanoes rumble into action in Russia’s far east

Towering clouds of ash and glowing lava are spewing from two volcanoes on Russia's Kamchatka Peninsula and scientists say major eruptions could be on...

Tonga volcano had highest plume ever recorded

Using images captured by satellites, researchers in the University of Oxford's Department of Physics and RAL Space have confirmed that the January 2022 eruption...

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