Tag: system

Simultaneous climate events risk damaging entire socioeconomic systems

The cascading effects of extreme weather—such as recent heatwaves which combine heat and drought—and the interconnectedness of critical services and sectors has the potential...

EXPLAINER: One weather system floods St. Louis and Kentucky

Hundreds of miles apart, but still connected by the same stubborn weather system, urban St. Louis and rural Appalachia are showing how devastating flash...

Natural systems in Australia are unraveling. If they collapse, human society could too

In the long-delayed State of the Environment report released this week, there is one terrifying sentence: "Environmental degradation is now considered a threat to...

Ceres probably formed farther out in the solar system and migrated inward

When Sicilian astronomer Giuseppe Piazzi spotted Ceres in 1801, he thought it was a planet. Astronomers didn't know about asteroids at that time. Now...

How to avoid eating the world: From degrowth to a sustainable food system transformation

Proponents of degrowth have long argued that economic growth is detrimental to the environment. Now, scientists show that curbing growth alone would not make...

A new earthquake warning system will prepare Canada for dangerous shaking

Large earthquakes can wreak enormous violence upon lives, livelihoods, infrastructure and the environment. High-density urban populations in the relatively small, seismically active areas of...

China plans system to take out asteroids hurtling toward Earth

China plans to develop a system for monitoring asteroids that pose a threat to earth, highlighting the nation's growing ambitions for its space program. The...

The threshold between natural Atlantic current system fluctuations and a climate change-driven evolution

Is the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) slowing down? Is this system of ocean currents, which is so important for our climate, likely to...

Discovery of 30 exocomets in a young planetary system

For the past 30 years, the star β Pictoris has fascinated astronomers because it enables them to observe a planetary system in the process...

The instability at the beginning of the solar system: Does it portend an undiscovered planet?

Michigan State University's Seth Jacobson and colleagues in China and France have unveiled a new theory that could help solve a galactic mystery of...

4 billion-year-old relic from early solar system heading our way

An enormous comet—approximately 80 miles across, more than twice the width of Rhode Island—is heading our way at 22,000 miles per hour from the...

Uranium detectable in two-thirds of US community water system monitoring records

A study on metal concentrations in U.S. community water systems (CWS) and patterns of inequalities, researchers at Columbia University Mailman School of Public Health...

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