Tag: study

A million years without a megaslide: Study goes deep into the Gulf of Alaska to investigate why

Earthquakes, volcanic activity, and sediment flux can trigger underwater landslides known as submarine slides, which can translate to tsunamis on the surface. Megaslides are...

New geological study: Scandinavia was born in Greenland

In a Finnish outcrop nestled between some of Northern Europe’s oldest mountains, researchers have found traces of a previously hidden part of Earth’s crust...

Dinosaur study challenges Bergmann’s rule

When you throw dinosaurs into the mix, sometimes you find that a rule simply isn't. A new study led by scientists at the University of...

In paleontology, correct names are keys to accurate study

When the skeletal remains of a giant ground sloth were first unearthed in 1796, the discovery marked one of the earliest paleontological finds in...

New geological study shows Scandinavia was born in Greenland

The oldest Scandinavian bedrock was "born" in Greenland according to a new geological study from the University of Copenhagen. The study helps us understand...

Study: Dark matter does not exist and the universe is 27 billion years old

The fabric of the cosmos, as we currently understand it, comprises three primary components: ‘normal matter,’ ‘dark energy,’ and ‘dark matter.’ However, new research...

Seismological study shows ancient lower mantle flow field under Philippine sea plate

Researchers from China and Japan have discovered distinct characteristics of Earth's lower mantle flow field. They investigated seismic anisotropy in the upper part of...

Mercury rising: Study sheds new light on ancient volcanoes’ environmental impact

Massive volcanic events in Earth's history that released large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere frequently correlate with periods of severe environmental change and...

Ice melt barriers disappearing at twice the rate compared to 50 years ago, study finds

Undersea anchors of ice that help prevent Antarctica's land ice from slipping into the ocean are shrinking at more than twice the rate compared...

How do oceans start to close? New study suggests the Atlantic may ‘soon’ enter its declining phase

A new study, resorting to computational models, predicts that a subduction zone currently below the Gibraltar Strait will propagate further inside the Atlantic and...

Study finds protected areas for elephants work best if they are connected

Conservation measures have successfully stopped declines in the African savanna elephant population across southern Africa, but the pattern varies locally, according to a new...

New study sheds light on how much methane is produced from Arctic lakes and wetlands

When it comes to greenhouse gases, methane is one the biggest contributors. Not only is it massively abundant—it's about 25 times more potent than...

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