Ice may be present a few centimeters below the moon's surface in more areas of the lunar polar regions than was previously thought due to large, yet highly localized, variations in surface temperatures. The results, published...
A team of scientists from University College Cork (UCC), the University of Connecticut, and the Natural History Museum of Vienna have uncovered how plants responded to catastrophic climate changes 250 million years ago.
Their findings, published in GSA...
A trio of environmental scientists at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Institute of Geographic Sciences and Natural Resources Research, working with a colleague from...
Data from NISAR will improve our understanding of such phenomena as earthquakes, volcanoes, and landslides, as well as damage to infrastructure.
We don't always notice...
Japan deployed an upgraded Earth observation satellite for disaster response and security after it was launched on a new flagship H3 rocket Monday.
The H3...
Earthquakes may betray their impending presence much earlier than previously thought through a variety of anomalies present in the ground, atmosphere and ionosphere that...
When it comes to making a rapid estimate of ground motion and moment magnitude for an earthquake, using data from Global Navigation Satellite Systems...
A team of Earth scientists affiliated with multiple institutions in China and the U.S. has found that coastal algae blooms (also known as phytoplankton...
Thousands of people across swathes of Turkey and Syria were killed in Monday’s 7.8-magnitude earthquake and the various aftershocks that followed. Tens of thousands...
Satellite observations have revealed that weak seismic ground shaking can trigger powerful landslide acceleration—even several years after a significant earthquake.
These observations help paint a...
Landfills are releasing large amounts of planet-warming methane gas into the atmosphere from the decomposition of waste and are a significant contributor to such...