Tag: researches

Researchers uncover reasons to rethink how mountains are built

A study led by Colorado State University suggests that the answers to how and why mountains form are buried deeper than once thought. "Mountain building...

NASA researchers detect tsunamis by their rumble in the atmosphere

New hazard-monitoring technology uses GPS signals to go wave-hunting in the Pacific Ring of Fire. GUARDIAN's long-term objective is to augment early warning systems. and...

Researchers reveal impact of ancient earthquake

By combining the scientific powerhouses of genetics and geology, University of Otago researchers have identified a new area of coastal uplift, which had been...

Researchers defend their theory that molecular oxygen existed on Earth 2.5 billion years ago

When did molecular oxygen, the gas that all large and complex forms of life on Earth today require to function, first appear on Earth? For...

Researchers analyze risk of population disruption as a result of decarbonization

Research led by University of Queensland (UQ) and including the University of Göttingen has analyzed the effects of decarbonization strategies by linking global resource...

Researchers discover previously unknown mineralogy of the deep Earth

What is the structure of the Earth? For starters, it consists of several layers: the crust, the upper and lower mantle, and the core....

Researchers find source of gamma rays in small neighboring galaxy

Through giant lobes of gamma radiation, an international team of researchers have found a small satellite galaxy of the Milky Way filled with dark...

Researchers explore how impacts ‘break in’ a new planet

The harder you hit something—a ball, a walnut, a geode—the more likely it is to break open. Or, if it does not break open,...

Researchers aim to turn Martian air, dirt and sunlight into iron

A team of researchers, led by Swinburne's Professor Akbar Rhamdhani, has published the first detailed study of its kind on metal production on another...

Researchers develop new model to better predict barrier island retreat

Barrier islands protect the coastline from storms, storm surge, waves and flooding. They can act as a buffer between the ocean and beachfront property....

Researchers discover overlooked Jurassic Park of lizards

New research published today in eLife by researchers from the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) and the University of Bristol (UB) moves...

Researchers discover ‘hotspots’ of three-layered alternatively rotating circulation in South China Sea

A research team led by Prof. Gan Jianping, director of the Center for Ocean Research Hong Kong and Macau (CORE) at The Hong Kong...

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