Tag: ocean

Scientists identify heat wave at bottom of ocean

The 2013-2016 marine heat wave known as "The Blob" warmed a vast expanse of surface waters across the northeastern Pacific, disrupting West Coast marine...

Mysteries of Earth: Researchers predict how fast ancient magma ocean solidified

Early in the formation of Earth, an ocean of magma covered the planet's surface and stretched thousands of miles deep into its core. The...

Marine plankton tell the long story of ocean health, and maybe human too

Using samples from an almost century-old, ongoing survey of marine plankton, researchers at University of California San Diego School of Medicine suggest that rising...

An ocean inside Earth? Water hundreds of kilometers down

The transition zone (TZ) is the name given to the boundary layer that separates the Earth's upper mantle and the lower mantle. It is...

Scientists discover southward migration of Arctic Ocean species during the last glacial period

In order to survive, a species must find the most favorable habitat to pass on its genes. Therefore, learning how species migrated with climate...

Underwater tsunamis created by glacier calving cause vigorous ocean mixing

Scientists on a research vessel in Antarctica watched the front of a glacier disintegrate and their measurements "went off the scale." As well as...

New insights into the ocean’s oldest carbon

Using a newly developed technique, researchers have ruled out a potential source of ancient dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the world's oceans. DOM is organic...

Strengthening cold ocean current buffers Galápagos Islands from climate change

While most of the world's oceans are warming due to climate change, a new CU Boulder study explains how the waters around the Galápagos...

Winds of change drive ‘alarming’ rate of ocean warming

UNSW researchers have solved the mystery of why and how ocean "hotspots" are forming so fast, by examining the winds that influence the ocean...

Pacific Ocean set to make way for world’s next supercontinent

New Curtin University-led research has found that the world's next supercontinent, Amasia, will most likely form when the Pacific Ocean closes in 200 to...

Artificial ocean cooling to weaken hurricanes is futile, study finds

A new study found that even if we did have the infinite power to artificially cool enough of the oceans to weaken a hurricane,...

A global vision for the ocean

A new scientific article published in Frontiers in Marine Science calls attention to the need for a global vision for the ocean in the...

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