Tag: model

Understanding how gold forms is crucial for knowing where to find it and how to extract it sustainably. McGill researchers have answered a long-standing question in geology that could lead to new ore discoveries. Researchers traveled to...
Earth system models (ESMs) help us understand climate and environmental changes. With advances in computing power, ESMs can now be run at kilometer-scale (k-scale) resolutions, capturing very fine details to better predict extreme weather and understand...

New model developed to predict landslides along wildfire burn scars

A wildfire followed by an intense rainstorm is often a recipe for disaster. Without vegetation to cushion rainfall, water runoff can turn into a...

Machine learning model can evaluate the effectiveness of management strategies for wildfire prevention

Wildfires are a growing threat in a world shaped by climate change. Now, researchers at Aalto University have developed a neural network model that...

Climate model suggests global warming has already doubled the risk of California megaflood

A pair of researchers, one with the Climate and Global Dynamics Laboratory at the National Center for Atmospheric Research in Boulder, Colorado, the other...

New model sheds light on day/night cycle in the global ocean

Phytoplankton is the foundation of all life on the planet. Understanding how these photosynthetic organisms react to their ocean environment is important to understanding...

New model suggests lost continents for early Earth

A new radioactivity model of Earth’s ancient rocks calls into question current models for the formation of Earth’s continental crust, suggesting continents may have...

New model makes landslides and slope failures easier to predict

The threat of slope instability will be easier to predict in future. Scientists working on an Austrian Science Fund project have succeeded in developing...

Model pinpoints glaciers at risk of collapse due to climate change

As climate change warms the planet, glaciers are melting faster, and scientists fear that many will collapse by the end of the century, drastically...

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