Tag: mars

The longstanding mystery of Mars’ moons—and the mission that could solve it

The two small moons of Mars, Phobos (about 22km in diameter) and Deimos (about 13km in diameter), have been puzzling scientists for decades, with...

Zhurong rover detects mysterious polygons beneath the surface of Mars

China's Zhurong rover was equipped with a ground-penetrating radar system, allowing it to peer beneath Mars's surface. Researchers have announced new results from the...

NASA feels a ‘sense of urgency’ to get to Mars: Idaho scientists could help us get there

China has repeatedly stunned the U.S. intelligence community in the last five years with rapid progress in its space exploration program, landing a rover...

NASA uses two worlds to test future Mars helicopter designs

For the first time in history, two planets have been home to testing future aircraft designs. In this world, a new rotor that could...

NASA’s Curiosity rover clocks 4,000 days on Mars

Four thousand Martian days after setting its wheels in Gale Crater on Aug. 5, 2012, NASA's Curiosity rover remains busy conducting exciting science. The...

A collapsed Mars lava chamber seen from space

Lava tubes and chambers attract a lot of attention as potential sites for bases on the moon and Mars. They provide protection from radiation,...

Curiosity rover finds new evidence of ancient Mars rivers, a key signal for life

New analysis of data from the Curiosity rover reveals that much of the craters on Mars today could have once been habitable rivers. "We're finding...

A comprehensive blueprint for the settlement of Mars

Throughout the 20th century, multiple proposals have been made for the crewed exploration of Mars. These include the famed "Mars Project" by Werner von...

Did life exist on Mars? Other planets? With AI’s help, we may know soon

Scientists have discovered a simple and reliable test for signs of past or present life on other planets—"the holy grail of astrobiology." In the journal Proceedings...

Helicopters could map the magnetic fields on Mars

A recent study published in The Planetary Science Journal examines how helicopters equipped with a magnetometer could be used to conduct magnetic field investigations...

Research suggests Mars has far fewer minerals than Earth

Nearly 6,000 different minerals are known to exist on Earth, but after more than 50 years of investigations, only 161 minerals have been recorded...

Research suggests Mars has far fewer minerals than Earth

Nearly 6,000 different minerals are known to exist on Earth, but after more than 50 years of investigations, only 161 minerals have been recorded...

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