Tag: mars

One impact on Mars produced more than 2 billion secondary craters, finds study

There are plenty of craters on Mars, especially when compared to Earth. That is primarily thanks to the lack of weathering forces and strong...

Giant volcano discovered on Mars

In a groundbreaking announcement at the 55th Lunar and Planetary Science Conference held in The Woodlands, Texas, scientists revealed the discovery of a giant...

Mars had its own version of plate tectonics

Plate tectonics is not something most people would associate with Mars. In fact, the planet's dead core is one of the primary reasons for...

Little groundwater recharge in ancient Mars aquifer, according to new models

Mars was once a wet world. The geological record of the Red Planet shows evidence for water flowing on the surface—from river deltas to...

Testing shows some bacteria could survive under Mars conditions

An international team of radiation specialists, biologists and infectious disease experts has found four types of bacteria that are capable of surviving exposure to...

NASA is looking for commercial Mars missions. Do people still want to go to Mars?

Mars has been a source of myth, lore and inspiration since antiquity. It is also an interesting place to research—a legitimate candidate for us...

Mars has a water reservoir two-miles deep, enough to fill Earth’s Red Sea

Over a decade and a half ago, the Mars Express embarked on a journey to unravel the secrets of the Martian surface, focusing on the...

Lake sediments found in Jezero crater hint at past life on Mars

In a significant discovery published in the journal Science Advances, researchers from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA) and the University of Oslo have uncovered evidence suggesting the...

NASA helicopter’s mission ends after three years on Mars

NASA's Ingenuity Mars helicopter, which made history by achieving the first powered flight on another world, has officially ended its nearly three-year mission after...

Confirmation of ancient lake on Mars offers hope that Perseverance rover’s soil and rock samples hold traces of life

If life ever existed on Mars, the Perseverance rover's verification of lake sediments at the base of the Jezero crater reinforces the hope that...

Mars photo shows planet in true color, like you’ve never seen it before

Twenty years ago, the European Space Agency’s Mars Express embarked on a journey to the Red Planet. Today, we’re celebrating this milestone with a...

Recent volcanism on Mars reveals a planet more active than previously thought

A vast, flat, "featureless" plain on Mars surprised researchers by revealing a much more tumultuous geologic past than expected, according to a study led...

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