Tag: magma

The Cambrian fossil record indicates that most animal phyla had diversified and inhabited the Earth's oceans approximately 518 million years ago. But even though chordates—the group that includes vertebrates like humans—were part of this early animal...
A vein-filled rock is catching the eye of the science team of NASA's Perseverance rover. Nicknamed "Cheyava Falls" by the team, the arrowhead-shaped rock contains fascinating traits that may bear on the question of whether Mars...

Mapping magma chambers under the Hunga volcano before and after the 2022 eruption

A small team of geologists, volcanologists and Earth scientists from the Carnegie Institution for Science, Earth and Planets Laboratory, in the U.S., the GNS...

Experimental constraints on the oxidation state of early magma on the Earth

The dark region in the lower part of the image shows crystalized bridgmanite, and the dendritic texture in the upper part indicates quenched melt....

Ancient magma reveals signs of life in zircons from ancient Earth

Zircon crystals, like a time capsule, can preserve traces of life hundreds of millions of years old in the form of biogenic carbon. Using...

Mysteries of Earth: Researchers predict how fast ancient magma ocean solidified

Early in the formation of Earth, an ocean of magma covered the planet's surface and stretched thousands of miles deep into its core. The...

Surprise magma chamber growing under Mediterranean volcano

Using a novel imaging technique for volcanoes that produces high-resolution pictures of seismic wave properties, a new study reveals a large, previously undetected body...

Hawai’i earthquake swarm caused by magma moving through ‘sills’

Magma pumping through a massive complex of flat, interconnected chambers deep beneath volcanoes in Hawai'i appears to be responsible for an unexplained swarm of...

More magma found below Yellowstone Caldera than expected

A team of researchers with members affiliated with multiple institutions in the U.S. and one in Australia reports evidence that there is much more...

Monitoring ‘frothy’ magma gases could help evade disaster

Volcanic eruptions are dangerous and difficult to predict. A team at the University of Tokyo has found that the ratio of atoms in specific...

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