Tag: hawaii

Viewers flock to watch glowing lava ooze from Hawaii volcano

The world's largest volcano oozed rivers of glowing lava Wednesday, drawing thousands of awestruck viewers who jammed a Hawaii highway that could soon be...

Hawaii eruption brings tourism boon during slow season

The spectacle of incandescent lava spewing from Hawaii's Mauna Loa has drawn thousands of visitors and is turning into a tourism boon for this...

5.1 earthquake hits during Hawaii’s Mauna Loa volcano unrest

A magntitude-5.1 earthquake struck Friday on Hawaii's Mauna Loa, the largest active volcano on the planet that scientists say is in a "state of...

Understanding the Earth under Hawaii

In the 1960s, some 50 years after German researcher Alfred Wegener proposed his continental drift hypothesis, the theory of plate tectonics gave scientists a...

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