Africa is often synonymous with its drylands that cover two-thirds of the continent. Relief is brought through rainfall during the monsoon season, which is vital to help replenish water reserves for communities and wildlife alike. Now,...
The ratios of strontium isotopes in fossil shark teeth can be used to better understand how coastal environments evolved in ancient times, according to our newly published work in Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology.
As paleontologists with the Florida...
A team of researchers from Université Clermont Auvergne, working with a colleague from Universität Bayreuth, has found evidence that suggests the Earth's composition changed...
The first study to analyze California's coastal cliff retreat statewide using high-resolution data has found that cliffs receded faster in the north than elsewhere...
The St. Lawrence riverbanks are eroding. This has an impact on infrastructure, economy and inhabitants' well-being. It exposes communities to flooding and can destroy...
How are fluvial valleys formed? Why do rivers cut valleys? Which mechanisms control the rate of fluvial incision? These are universal questions in Geomorphology...