Tag: earth

A super-Earth (and possible Earth-sized) exoplanet found in the habitable zone

Astronomers have found a new Super-Earth orbiting an M-dwarf (red dwarf) star about 137 light-years away. The planet is named TOI-715b, and it's about...

Ocean sponges suggest Earth has warmed longer, more than thought; some scientists dubious

A handful of centuries-old sponges from deep in the Caribbean are causing some scientists to think human-caused climate change began sooner and has heated...

Mars has a water reservoir two-miles deep, enough to fill Earth’s Red Sea

Over a decade and a half ago, the Mars Express embarked on a journey to unravel the secrets of the Martian surface, focusing on the...

Life on Earth uses water as a solvent. What are some other options for life as we don’t know it?

There is a vast menagerie of potentially habitable worlds in the cosmos, which means the universe could be home to a diversity of life...

“God of Darkness” asteroid Apophis set for historic Earth flyby

In a bold extension of its mission, the spacecraft formerly known as OSIRIS-REx embarks on an unprecedented journey to explore asteroid Apophis. This celestial body is set...

Earth’s magnetic field: Origin, structure, and impact on humanity

Earth’s magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is a powerful, vital phenomenon that extends from the interior of the Earth into outer...

November 2023 was Earth’s warmest in recorded history

Globally, November 2023 was the warmest November in the 174-year NOAA record. The year-to-date (January–November) global surface temperature ranked as the warmest such period...

UFOs: How astronomers are searching the sky for alien probes near Earth

There has been increased interest in unidentified flying objects (UFOs) ever since the Pentagon's 2021 report revealed what appears to be anomalous objects in...

New unified theory shows how past landscapes drove the evolution of Earth’s rich diversity of life

Earth's surface is the living skin of our planet—it connects the physical, chemical and biological systems. Over geological time, this surface evolves. Rivers fragment the landscape...

Meteorites likely source of nitrogen for early Earth, Ryugu samples study finds

Micrometeorites originating from icy celestial bodies in the outer solar system may be responsible for transporting nitrogen to the near-Earth region in the early...

Landscape dynamics determine the evolution of biodiversity on Earth, research reveals

Movement of rivers, mountains, oceans and sediment nutrients at the geological timescale are the central drivers of Earth's biodiversity, research published in Nature has...

A new map points at the impacts of rare earth elements

A map created by the Debt Observatory in Globalization in collaboration with the EJAtlas of Institute of Environmental Science and Technology of the Universitat...

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