Tag: earth

New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars

A research team using the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA's Curiosity rover discovered higher-than-usual amounts of manganese in lakebed rocks within Gale Crater on Mars,...

Study provides new global accounting of Earth’s rivers

The Colorado River supplies water to more than 40 million people as it snakes through seven U.S. states, including the part of southeastern Utah...

Researchers find oldest undisputed evidence of Earth’s magnetic field

A new study, led by the University of Oxford and MIT, has recovered a 3.7-billion-year-old record of Earth's magnetic field, and found that it...

Mantle heat may have boosted Earth’s crust 3 billion years ago

Little is known about the nature and evolution of Earth's continental crust before a few billion years ago because cratons, or stable swaths of...

Cosmic rays streamed through Earth’s atmosphere 41,000 years ago: New findings on the Laschamps excursion

Earth's magnetic field protects us from the dangerous radiation of space, but it is not as permanent as we might believe. Scientists at the...

NASA is seeking a faster, cheaper way to bring Mars samples to Earth

NASA's plan to bring samples from Mars back to Earth is on hold until there's a faster, cheaper way, space agency officials said Monday. Retrieving...

Mars attracts: How Earth’s interactions with the red planet drive deep-sea circulation

Scientists from the Universities of Sydney and Sorbonne University have used the geological record of the deep sea to discover a connection between the...

Earth’s earliest forest revealed in Somerset fossils

Scientists have discovered remnants of the Earth's oldest fossil forest on the north coast of Devon and Somerset in the U.K. The trees, which...

Titanosaurs were the biggest land animals Earth’s ever seen, combining reptile and mammal traits

You're probably familiar with classic sauropod dinosaurs—the four-legged herbivores famous for their long necks and tails. Animals such as Brachiosaurus, Apatosaurus and Diplodocus have...

Earth’s early evolution: Fresh insights from rocks formed 3.5 billion years ago

Our Earth is around 4.5 billion years old. Way back in its earliest years, vast oceans dominated. There were frequent volcanic eruptions and, because...

Did the Galileo mission find life on Earth?

In the fall of 1989, the Galileo spacecraft was launched into space, bound for Jupiter and its family of moons. Given the great distance...

What turned Earth into a giant snowball 700 million years ago? Scientists now have an answer

Australian geologists have used plate tectonic modeling to determine what most likely caused an extreme ice-age climate in Earth's history, more than 700 million...

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