Tag: earth

Understanding how gold forms is crucial for knowing where to find it and how to extract it sustainably. McGill researchers have answered a long-standing question in geology that could lead to new ore discoveries. Researchers traveled to...
Earth system models (ESMs) help us understand climate and environmental changes. With advances in computing power, ESMs can now be run at kilometer-scale (k-scale) resolutions, capturing very fine details to better predict extreme weather and understand...

New twists on tornadoes: Earth scientist studies why U.S. has so many tornadoes

Across the Midwest during the warmer months, studying the sky for signs of storms and tornadoes becomes one of the most popular pastimes. Dan Chavas,...

Groundbreaking discovery: How researchers found remnants of Earth’s primordial crust near Perth

Our planet was born around 4.5 billion years ago. To understand this mind-bendingly long history, we need to study rocks and the minerals they...

Study confirms the rotation of Earth’s inner core has slowed

University of Southern California scientists have proven that the Earth's inner core is backtracking—slowing down—in relation to the planet's surface, as shown in new...

New discovery reveals that ocean algae unexpectedly help cool the Earth

A common type of ocean algae plays a significant role in producing a massively abundant compound that helps cool the Earth's climate, new research...

Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold harsh interstellar clouds 2 million years ago

Around two million years ago, Earth was a very different place, with our early human ancestors living alongside saber-toothed tigers, mastodons, and enormous rodents....

Study finds fresh water and key conditions for life appeared on Earth a half-billion years earlier than thought

We need two ingredients for life to start on a planet: dry land and (fresh) water. Strictly, the water doesn't have to be fresh,...

Cryovolcanism: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has had the privilege of spending the last several months venturing into a multitude of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces,...

New vestiges of the first life on Earth discovered in Saudi Arabia

Stromatolites are the earliest geological record of life on Earth. These curious biotic structures are made of algae carpets growing toward the light and...

Potentially habitable ‘exo-Venus’ with Earth-like temperature discovered

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our...

When the first warm-blooded dinosaurs roamed Earth

Scientists once thought of dinosaurs as sluggish, cold-blooded creatures. Then research suggested that some could control their body temperature, but when and how that...

Study indicates Earth’s earliest sea creatures drove evolution by stirring the water

A study involving the University of Cambridge has used virtual recreations of the earliest animal ecosystems, known as marine animal forests, to demonstrate the...

A clock in the rocks: What cosmic rays tell us about Earth’s changing surface and climate

How often do mountains collapse, volcanoes erupt or ice sheets melt? For Earth scientists, these are important questions as we try to improve projections to...

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