Tag: deep

Over 20 years ago, then Indonesian president Megawati Soekarnoputri banned the export of sea sand from her archipelago nation. The ban was in response to the widespread environmental and economic damage it was causing. Unchecked sea sand...
Chirality refers to objects that cannot be superimposed onto their mirror images through any combination of rotations or translations, much like the distinct left and right hands of a human. In chiral crystals, the spatial arrangement...

Earliest evidence of deep-cave rituals in Southwest Asia discovered

A cave in Galilee, Israel, has yielded evidence for ritualistic gatherings 35,000 years ago, the earliest on the Asian continent. Three Israeli researchers led...

Deep sea rocks suggest oxygen can be made without photosynthesis, deepening the mystery of life

Oxygen, the molecule that supports intelligent life as we know it, is largely made by plants. Whether underwater or on land, they do this...

Clues from deep magma reservoirs could improve volcanic eruption forecasts

New research into molten rock 20km below the Earth's surface could help save lives by improving the prediction of volcanic activity. Volcanic eruptions pose significant...

How a tip from a citizen scientist led to deep discoveries in Utah’s caves

Scientists from the Natural History Museum of Utah have taken a deep dive into the not-so-distant past thanks to a friendly tip from Utah's...

Are deep blue seas fading? Oceans turn to new hue across parts of Earth, study finds

A large swath of Earth's oceans changed color over the past 20 years—and human activity is suspected to have caused it, a new study...

Earth’s deep ocean oxygen levels are declining, shows study

Antarctica is a unique landscape, full of mystery and wonder. Its environments have a huge impact on the rest of the planet—on the climate,...

Study uses 560-kilometer-deep earthquake to make elusive measurements of the Earth’s layers

A new study from a University of Chicago scientist suggests there may be a layer of surprisingly fluid rock ringing the Earth, at the...

Deep-sea devices detect earthquakes, singing whales and an exploding ship

Explosions from a sinking ship are among the unexpected sounds detected by 50 highly sensitive seismometers placed on the floor of the Atlantic Ocean...

New results reveal surprising behavior of minerals deep in the Earth

As you are reading this, more than 400 miles below you is a massive world of extreme temperatures and pressures that has been churning...

Deep learning can predict tsunami impacts in less than a second

Detailed predictions about how an approaching tsunami will impact the northeastern coastline in Japan can be made in fractions of a second rather than...

Deep earthquakes suggest well-hydrated Mariana subduction zone

On the surface, subduction zones manifest as oceanic trenches, the deepest of which is the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. One notable feature...

Geological activity can rapidly change deep microbial communities

In the deep subsurface that plunges into the Earth for miles, microscopic organisms inhabit vast bedrock pores and veins. Belowground microorganisms, or microbes, comprise...

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