Tag: carbon

The Cambrian fossil record indicates that most animal phyla had diversified and inhabited the Earth's oceans approximately 518 million years ago. But even though chordates—the group that includes vertebrates like humans—were part of this early animal...
A vein-filled rock is catching the eye of the science team of NASA's Perseverance rover. Nicknamed "Cheyava Falls" by the team, the arrowhead-shaped rock contains fascinating traits that may bear on the question of whether Mars...

Why rivers matter for the global carbon cycle

In a new journal article, EPFL professor Tom Battin reviews our current understanding of carbon fluxes in the world's river networks. He demonstrates their...

Rwandan tree carbon stock mapped from above

Researchers at University of Copenhagen have developed a method to map the carbon stock of individual trees by collaborating with Rwandan authorities and researchers....

Scientists: Atmospheric carbon might turn lakes more acidic

The Great Lakes have endured a lot the past century, from supersized algae blobs to invasive mussels and bloodsucking sea lamprey that nearly wiped...

NASA scientists map global salt marsh losses and their carbon impact

According to a new NASA-led study, the world has lost 561 square miles (1,453 square kilometers) of salt marshes over the past 20 years....

New insights into the ocean’s oldest carbon

Using a newly developed technique, researchers have ruled out a potential source of ancient dissolved organic matter (DOM) in the world's oceans. DOM is organic...

Discovery of the largest natural carbon onions on Earth

Recently, a study led by Dr. Yilin Chen, Prof. Yong Qin, Dr. Jiuqing Li, Associate Prof. Zhuangfu Li, Tianyu Yang (China University of Mining...

How forests lost 8,000 years of stored carbon in a few generations

"Plant a tree" seems to be the go-to answer to climate change concerns these days. Booking a rental car online recently, I was asked...

Pioneering climate change research reveals long-term global carbon cycle impacts

A new study in Nature Geoscience, co-authored by Dr. Heather Ford from Queen Mary's School of Geography, uses a unique research model to illustrate...

Why can’t we simply plant more trees to clean carbon dioxide from the air?

If we're to have any shot at meeting the climate targets set out in the Paris Agreement, scientists estimate that countries would need to...

Carbon dioxide glaciers are moving at Mars’ South Pole

Glaciers of carbon dioxide are moving, creating deposits kilometers thick today across the south polar region of Mars, something that could have been going...

First-of-its-kind detection of reduced human carbon dioxide emissions

For the first time, researchers have spotted short-term, regional fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) around the globe due to emissions from human activities. Using...

Estimates of the carbon cycle, vital to predicting climate change, are incorrect, researchers show

Virginia Tech researchers, in collaboration with Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, have discovered that key parts of the global carbon cycle used to track movement...

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