Tag: ancient

Understanding how gold forms is crucial for knowing where to find it and how to extract it sustainably. McGill researchers have answered a long-standing question in geology that could lead to new ore discoveries. Researchers traveled to...
Earth system models (ESMs) help us understand climate and environmental changes. With advances in computing power, ESMs can now be run at kilometer-scale (k-scale) resolutions, capturing very fine details to better predict extreme weather and understand...

New research suggests prior studies of ancient sea creature Pikaia had it upside down

A team of marine biologists, Earth scientists and evolutionary specialists affiliated with several institutions in the U.K., has found that prior researchers studying a...

First ever report of two ancient ape species cohabiting in Miocene Europe 11 million years ago

Ancient apes in Germany co-existed by partitioning resources in their environment, according to a study published June 7, 2024 in the open-access journal PLOS...

Ancient crustal weaknesses contribute to modern earthquakes in West Africa, study finds

Though it was the site of active tectonics 140 million years ago, today, the coast of West Africa is a passive margin, far from...

Discovery of ancient Glaswegian shrimp fossil reveals new species

A short but robust little shrimp may have died out over 330 million years ago during the Carboniferous period, but the rare Scottish shellfish...

New findings point to an Earth-like environment on ancient Mars

A research team using the ChemCam instrument onboard NASA's Curiosity rover discovered higher-than-usual amounts of manganese in lakebed rocks within Gale Crater on Mars,...

Ancient giant tortoise fossils found in Colombian Andes

Paleontologists have discovered giant tortoise fossils in Colombia dating back some 57 million years, the university leading the excavation said, with the findings key...

Discovery of new ancient giant snake in India

A new ancient species of snake dubbed Vasuki Indicus, which lived around 47 million years ago in the state of Gujarat in India, may...

Ancient giant dolphin discovered in the Amazon

Paleontologists from the University of Zurich have announced the discovery of a new species of freshwater dolphin in the Peruvian Amazon region. Surprisingly, its...

Mercury rising: Study sheds new light on ancient volcanoes’ environmental impact

Massive volcanic events in Earth's history that released large amounts of carbon into the atmosphere frequently correlate with periods of severe environmental change and...

New species of ancient vampire squid unearthed in Luxembourg

A trio of paleontologists in Germany has found a fossilized vampire squid that they dated to 183 million years ago. In their paper published...

Little groundwater recharge in ancient Mars aquifer, according to new models

Mars was once a wet world. The geological record of the Red Planet shows evidence for water flowing on the surface—from river deltas to...

An ancient Australian air-breathing fish from 380 million years ago

Alice Spring's Finke River (Larapinta), often cited as one of the oldest rivers in the world, once hosted waters teeming with bizarre animals—including a...

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