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New species of extinct walrus-like mammal discovered in the North Atlantic

A new discovery by a team of paleontologists, led by Dr. Mathieu Boisville (University of Tsukuba, Japan), has uncovered a new species of the...

New parameter enhances insights into the evolution of mantle’s redox states

The oxygen fugacity (fO2) of the mantle controls the speciation and mobility of volatiles within it, influencing the composition of volatiles released during mantle-derived...

Ethiopia’s deadly landslides are caused by both nature and man—a geophysicist explains

As many as 300 people were killed in landslides triggered by higher than normal rainfall in south-western Ethiopia in July 2024. More than 15,000...

California’s earthquake revolution: Early-warning systems make strides, issuing more than 5 million alerts

Most Californians know that sinking feeling. The ground shakes, jolting you to attention. For a split second, your mind considers the possibilities: A truck driving...

135-million-year-old marine crocodile sheds light on Cretaceous life

An international team of scientists, including researchers from Germany and the UK, have described a new species of ancient marine crocodile, Enalioetes schroederi. Enalioetes...

Japan’s ‘megaquake’ warning explained

Japan's earthquake scientists say the country should prepare for a possible "megaquake" one day that could kill hundreds of thousands of people—although they stress...