One does not simply detonate a volcano into Mordor: A scientist explains the problems with that Rings of Power episode

In the blockbuster fantasy series The Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, one of the principal antagonists, the wicked Adar, diverted a...

Tonga volcano eruption stimulates life: Rapid, massive bloom of ocean phytoplankton

In January 2022, the largest submarine volcanic eruption of this century led to a dramatic phytoplankton bloom north of the island of Tongatapu, in...

Tonga is home to 170 islands. A new one just formed from an underwater volcanic eruption

The Pacific nation of Tonga is made up of 170 islands, but it just welcomed its newest addition—thanks to an underwater volcano. Near the center...

We can use drones to get inside and learn more about active, gassy volcanoes

Volcanic eruptions cannot be predicted with 100% certainty. However, details about an upcoming eruption can be estimated using the hot and smelly gases a...

‘Like a new planet’: Volcano draws visitors to Spanish isle

When the volcano erupted in La Palma last year, Teodoro Gonzalez Perez rushed to the Spanish island to see the lava flows with his...

New system could provide early warning of Whakaari eruption risk

Kiwi volcanologists and engineers have finished testing an automated system that provides a warning when an eruption on Whakaari (White Island) becomes more likely. The...

Iceland volcano eruption opens a rare window into the Earth beneath our feet

The recent Fagradalsfjall eruption in the southwest of Iceland has enthralled the whole world, including nature lovers and scientists alike. The eruption was especially...

Volcanic super eruptions are millions of years in the making — followed by swift surge

Researchers at the University of Bristol and Scottish Universities Environmental Research Centre have discovered that super-eruptions occur when huge accumulations of magma deep in...

Slowing of continental plate movement controlled the timing of Earth’s largest volcanic events

Scientists have shed new light on the timing and likely cause of major volcanic events that occurred millions of years ago and caused such...

A swarm of 85,000 earthquakes at the Antarctic Orca submarine volcano

Volcanoes can be found even off the coast of Antarctica. At the deep-sea volcano Orca, which has been inactive for a long time, a...

Arc volcanoes are wetter than previously thought, with scientific and economic implications

The percentage of water in arc volcanoes, which form above subduction zones, may be far more than many previous studies have calculated. This increased amount...

Iceland volcano eruption opens a rare window into the Earth beneath our feet

The recent Fagradalsfjall eruption in the southwest of Iceland has enthralled the whole world, including nature lovers and scientists alike. The eruption was especially...

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