
How did cockroaches survive the dino-killing asteroid strike?

Why they may outlast humans on Earth. When the rock now known as the Chicxulub impactor plummeted from outer space and slammed into the Earth...

Russia could end its role in the International Space Station by 2024

The director general of Russia's Roscosmos space agency has threatened to end its Russia's involvement with the ISS. Russia could end its cooperation on the...

Researchers demonstrate new link between greenhouse gases and sea level rise

A new study provides the first evidence that rising greenhouse gases have a long-term warming effect on the Amundsen Sea in West Antarctica. Scientists...

The Earth beneath us may be shifting

Ground-breaking research into the hot structures deep in the Earth suggest they could be much more fluid than once supposed. An article published this week...

Why Australia has to quit stalling and wean itself off fossil fuels

If the world acts now, we can avoid the worst outcomes of climate change without any significant effect on standards of living. That's a...

Exposed sediments reveal decades of Lake Powell history

Usually when a geologist walks up to a sedimentary rock outcrop and starts scanning the layers of sand, mud and silt now turned to...

What is climate change, and how is it affecting Earth?

Climate change is real and humans are causing it. Climate change is any long-term alteration in average weather patterns, either globally or regionally. Climate change...

What’s the longest lightning bolt ever recorded?

"Thunder is impressive," Mark Twain wrote, "but it is lightning that does the work." Anyone who's watched a lightning storm will understand what he...

Amazon: Earth’s mightiest river

The Amazon River is a massive, intricate water system weaving through one of the most vital and complex ecosystems in the world — the...

Hubble finds a protoplanet that could upend planet formation models

NASA's Hubble Space Telescope has directly photographed evidence of a Jupiter-like protoplanet forming through what researchers describe as an "intense and violent process." This...

How do planets form?

How do planets form? For many years scientists thought they understood this process by studying the one example we had access to: our own...

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