
Nord Stream leaked less methane than feared: atmospheric monitor

Leaks from the Nord Stream gas pipelines released some 70,000 metric tons of the powerful greenhouse gas methane, researchers said Wednesday, less than previously...

Climate change drives Europe towards record fire year

The fires that have torched through Europe are on course to make 2022 a record year for forest loss on the continent, as scientists...

US, Russian astronauts will swap seats on rockets again

NASA astronauts will go back to riding Russian rockets under an agreement announced Friday, and Russian cosmonauts will catch lifts to the International Space...

River belt discovery helps scientists understand ancient rivers

Long after a river has dried up, its channel belt lives on. Made up of swaths of sediment surrounding the river, channel belts, once hardened...

Asteroid samples contain ‘clues to origin of life’: Japan scientists

Asteroid dust collected by a Japanese space probe contains organic material that shows some of the building blocks of life on Earth may have...

Did meteorites bring life’s phosphorus to Earth?

Meteorites that crashed onto Earth billions of years ago may have provided the phosphorous essential to the biological systems of terrestrial life. The meteorites...

Antarctic glaciers losing ice at fastest rate in 5,500 years, finds study

At the current rate of retreat the vast glaciers, which extend deep into the heart of the ice sheet, could contribute as much as...

China plans to complete space station with latest mission

China is preparing to launch a new three-person mission to complete work on its permanent orbiting space station, the China Manned Space Agency said...

Volcanoes may have killed Venus with a runaway greenhouse

What turned Venus into hell? It could have simply been a steadily warming sun, but new research suggests that volcanoes may have played a...

A new earthquake warning system will prepare Canada for dangerous shaking

Large earthquakes can wreak enormous violence upon lives, livelihoods, infrastructure and the environment. High-density urban populations in the relatively small, seismically active areas of...

Ammonium fertilized early life on Earth

A team of international scientists — including researchers at the University of St. Andrews, Syracuse University and Royal Holloway, University of London — has...

Planet-forming disks evolve in surprisingly similar ways

A group of astronomers, led by Sierk van Terwisga from the Max Planck Institute for Astronomy, have analyzed the mass distribution of over 870...

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