The speed at which spinosaurid dinosaur teeth were replaced accounts for their overabundance in Cretaceous sites

This has been confirmed in the article ‘New contributions to the skull anatomy of spinosaurid theropods: Baryonychinae maxilla from the Early Cretaceous of Igea...

Prehistoric podiatry: How dinos carried their enormous weight

Scientists have cracked an enduring mystery, discovering how sauropod dinosaurs — like Brontosaurus and Diplodocus — supported their gigantic bodies on land. A University of...

Revealing the salty secrets of the biggest environmental shift since dinosaurs

A new Nature Geoscience study from The Australian National University (ANU) offers further clues about what happened to the Mediterranean during a tumultuous period...

100 million-year-old dinosaur footprints found at restaurant in China

Dinosaur footprints dating back 100 million years have been discovered in southwestern China after a sharp-eyed diner spotted them in a restaurant's outdoor courtyard. Several stone pits...

Hot-blooded T. rex and cold-blooded Stegosaurus: Chemical clues reveal dinosaur metabolisms

For decades, paleontologists have debated whether dinosaurs were warm-blooded, like modern mammals and birds, or cold-blooded, like modern reptiles. Knowing whether dinosaurs were warm-...

Europe’s largest land predator unearthed on the Isle of Wight

Research led by palaeontologists at the University of Southampton has identified the remains of one of Europe’s largest ever land-based hunters: a dinosaur that...

Research into oldest known burial field in the Netherlands sheds new light on traditional gender roles

New archaeological research into grave goods and skeletal material from the oldest grave field in the Netherlands shows that male-female roles 7,000 years ago...

Researchers discover overlooked Jurassic Park of lizards

New research published today in eLife by researchers from the Institut Català de Paleontologia Miquel Crusafont (ICP) and the University of Bristol (UB) moves...

Scientists have discovered a new type of fossilization

An international team of scientists from UCL (University College London), the Swedish Museum of Natural History, Natural History Museum (London) and the University of...

How dinosaur research can help medicine

The intervertebral discs connect the vertebrae and give the spine its mobility. The disc consists of a cartilaginous fibrous ring and a gelatinous core...

First Australians ate giant eggs of huge flightless birds, ancient proteins confirm

Proteins extracted from fragments of prehistoric eggshell found in the Australian sands confirm that the continent’s earliest humans consumed the eggs of a two-metre...

Great white sharks may have contributed to megalodon extinction

The diet of fossil extinct animals can hold clues to their lifestyle, behaviour, evolution and ultimately extinction. However, studying an animal’s diet after millions...

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