Discovery of 48-million-year-old daddy longlegs with their iridescent, metallic appearance intact

A new study involving Christian Bartel and Jason Dunlop from the Museum für Naturkunde Berlin and Sonja Wedmann from the Senckenberg Forschungsstation Grube Messel...

Novel technique uncovers clues to disappearance of North America’s large mammals 50,000 years ago

50,000 years ago, North America was ruled by megafauna. Lumbering mammoths roamed the tundra, while forests were home to towering mastodons, fierce saber-toothed tigers...

Fossil places extinct saber-toothed cat on Texas coast

Important scientific finds don't always come in the biggest, buzziest packages. Sometimes new discoveries come in little ugly rocks. Such is the case of...

Large fossil discovery finally exposes origins of Welsh dragons

A large fossil discovery has helped shed light on the history of dinosaurs in Wales. The find is reported in Proceedings of the Geologists'...

Musankwa sanyatiensis, a new dinosaur from Zimbabwe discovered

Fossils found on the shoreline of Lake Kariba in Zimbabwe represent a completely new dinosaur species. This remarkable find, named Musankwa sanyatiensis, marks only...

Researchers reconstruct genome of extinct species of flightless bird that once roamed the islands of New Zealand

A team of evolutionary biologists at Harvard University, working with colleagues from the Max Planck Institute for Biological Intelligence, East Carolina University, Osaka University...

Researchers discover hidden step in dinosaur feather evolution

Paleontologists at University College Cork (UCC) in Ireland have discovered that some feathered dinosaurs had scaly skin like reptiles today, thus shedding new light...

Abelisauroid, a dinosaur with very tiny arms, identified in Argentina

A team of paleontologists from Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales Bernardino Rivadavia, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas and The Chinese University of...

When the first warm-blooded dinosaurs roamed Earth

Scientists once thought of dinosaurs as sluggish, cold-blooded creatures. Then research suggested that some could control their body temperature, but when and how that...

Spiny legged 308-million-year-old arachnid discovered in the Mazon Creek locality

More than 300 million years ago, all sorts of arachnids crawled around the Carboniferous coal forests of North America and Europe. These included familiar...

Study indicates Earth’s earliest sea creatures drove evolution by stirring the water

A study involving the University of Cambridge has used virtual recreations of the earliest animal ecosystems, known as marine animal forests, to demonstrate the...

Fossil captures starfish splitting itself in two—showing this has been happening for 155 million years

One of the wildest wonders of nature is the ability of some animals to reproduce by splitting in half. There is still so much...

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