Searching for critical minerals in ancient ocean floors

Studying ancient ocean floors could help discover minerals needed to produce electric cars and solar panels. Researchers at The University of Queensland led a collaborative...

Newly discovered lake may hold secret to Antarctic ice sheet’s rise and fall

Scientists investigating the underside of the world's largest ice sheet in East Antarctica have discovered a city-size lake whose sediments might contain a history...

World’s ocean is losing its memory under global warming

Using future projections from the latest generation of Earth System Models, a recent study published in Science Advances found that most of the world's...

Scientists discover a vast, salty groundwater system under the Antarctica ice sheet

A new discovery deep beneath one of Antarctica's rivers of ice could change scientists' understanding of how the ice flows, with important implications for...

Diminishing Arctic sea ice has lasting impacts on global climate

As the impacts of climate change are felt around the world, no area is experiencing more drastic changes than the northern polar region. Studies...

Record low Antarctic sea ice extent could signal shift

Sea ice around Antarctica shrank to the smallest extent on record in February, five years after the previous record low, researchers said Tuesday, suggesting...

Understanding why our giant glaciers disappeared in the past gives clues to the future

An international team of climate scientists is working in North Canterbury to try to understand the reasons why giant glaciers disappeared thousands of years...

Researchers reveal variations in Arctic amplification effect during past millennium

The recent amplified warming in the Arctic during the last decades has received much attention. But how Arctic amplification (AA) has varied on longer...

Melting ice caps may not shut down ocean current

Most simulations of our climate's future may be overly sensitive to Arctic ice melt as a cause of abrupt changes in ocean circulation, according...

Solar energy explains fast yearly retreat of Antarctica’s sea ice

In the Southern Hemisphere, the ice cover around Antarctica gradually expands from March to October each year. During this time the total ice area...

Warmer summers and meltwater lakes are threatening the fringes of the world’s largest ice sheet

A first-of-its-kind study looking at surface meltwater lakes around the East Antarctic Ice Sheet across a seven-year period has found that the area and...

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