Understanding how gold forms is crucial for knowing where to find it and how to extract it sustainably. McGill researchers have answered a long-standing question in geology that could lead to new ore discoveries. Researchers traveled to...
Earth system models (ESMs) help us understand climate and environmental changes. With advances in computing power, ESMs can now be run at kilometer-scale (k-scale) resolutions, capturing very fine details to better predict extreme weather and understand...

Ice shelves fracture under weight of meltwater lakes, study shows

When air temperatures in Antarctica rise and glacier ice melts, water can pool on the surface of floating ice shelves, weighing them down and...

Oceanographers uncover the vital role of mixing down of oxygen in sustaining deep sea health

New research led by oceanographers from the School of Ocean Sciences at Bangor University has shown for the first time the important role of...

Four decades of glacial data reveals substantial losses and water worries

An analysis of glacial data spanning four decades has provided valuable insights into the changes taking place in the glaciers of the Pir Panjal...

Unlocking Arctic mysteries: How melting ice shapes our climate

Recent decades have witnessed rapid changes in the Arctic climate, with warming rates surpassing global averages by three to four times. This puzzling "Warm...

Largest ice shelf in Antarctica lurches forward once or twice each day

In Antarctica, heavy glaciers are always on the move. Conveyor belts of ice, known as ice streams, are the corridors of faster flow that...

‘Very worried’: Scientists fret as Antarctic sea ice dwindles

Sea ice levels in Antarctica have registered historic lows for three consecutive years, portending grave consequences for life on Earth as we know it. But...

New discovery suggests significant glacial retreat in West Antarctica began in 1940s

Among the vast expanse of Antarctica lies the Thwaites Glacier, the world's widest glacier measuring about 80 miles on the western edge of the...

Ice melt barriers disappearing at twice the rate compared to 50 years ago, study finds

Undersea anchors of ice that help prevent Antarctica's land ice from slipping into the ocean are shrinking at more than twice the rate compared...

How do oceans start to close? New study suggests the Atlantic may ‘soon’ enter its declining phase

A new study, resorting to computational models, predicts that a subduction zone currently below the Gibraltar Strait will propagate further inside the Atlantic and...

Ice cores provide first documentation of rapid Antarctic ice loss in the past

Researchers from the University of Cambridge and the British Antarctic Survey have uncovered the first direct evidence that the West Antarctic Ice Sheet shrunk...

Photographers document how the world’s largest iceberg is changing

Erosion has carved huge arches and cavernous hollows into the world’s largest iceberg as it floats through the ocean away from Antarctica, spectacular new...

New planet discovered has a massive ocean and it’s not too far from Earth

The scientific community has discovered a new planet. It is located 245 light-years away from Earth and has been named TOI-733b. Its size is...

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