New method for tracking the sources of diamonds

A technique for identifying the sources of diamonds without the use of clues such as the presence of specific inclusions will be reported on...

What is granite rock and how is it formed?

What is Granite? Granite is a common type of granular and phaneritic felsic intrusive igneous rock. Granites, depending on their mineralogy, can be predominantly white, pink...

Ancient Namibian stone could hold key to future quantum computers

A special form of light made using an ancient Namibian gemstone could be the key to new light-based quantum computers, which could solve long-held...

Kyanite mineral information

Chemical Formula: Al2(SiO4)OLocality: Common world wide.Name Origin: From the Greek kyanos = “blue.” Kyanite, whose name derives from the Greek word kuanos sometimes referred to as “kyanos”, meaning...

Chrysoberyl: One of the world’s most expensive Gemstone

The mineral or gemstone chrysoberyl is a beryllium aluminate with the formula BeAl2O4. The name chrysoberyl is derived from the Greekwords χρυσός chrysos and...

Earth’s oldest minerals date onset of plate tectonics to 3.6 billion years ago

Scientists provide new evidence that modern plate tectonics, a defining feature of Earth and its unique ability to support life, emerged roughly 3.6 billion...

Where does all Earth’s gold come from?

Ultra high precision analyses of some of the oldest rock samples on Earth by researchers at the University of Bristol provides clear evidence that...

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