Our Mars rover mission was suspended because of the Ukraine war. What we’re hoping for next

Just a few months ago, we were confidently expecting to launch our rover, Rosalind Franklin, to Mars in September as part of the ExoMars...

NASA’s InSight lander: The lonely fate of a robot on Mars

Covered in the red dust that sealed its fate, the NASA InSight lander is slowly shutting down, more than 250 million kilometers from home. With...

Buildup of solar heat likely contributes to Mars’ dust storms, researchers find

A seasonal imbalance in the amount of solar energy absorbed and released by the planet Mars is a likely cause of the dust storms...

New study indicates limited water circulation late in the history of Mars

A research team led by Lund University in Sweden has investigated a meteorite from Mars using neutron and X-ray tomography. The technology, which will...

Study reveals new way to reconstruct past climate on Mars

A study led by a Monash University geologist has provided fresh evidence for when high rates of erosion occurred throughout the history of Mars. The...

Chinese rover finds evidence that water was present on Mars more recently than thought

A team of researchers at the Chinese Academy of Sciences, working with a colleague from the University of Copenhagen, has found evidence that water...

NASA’s InSight records monster quake on Mars

NASA's InSight Mars lander has detected the largest quake ever observed on another planet: an estimated magnitude 5 temblor that occurred on May 4,...

NASA’s Mars Helicopter scouts ridgeline for Perseverance science team

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter recently surveyed an intriguing ridgeline near the ancient river delta in Jezero Crater. The images—captured on April 23, during the...

Solving the mystery of frost hiding on Mars

A new study using data from NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter may explain why Martian frost can be invisible to the naked eye and why...

Carbon dioxide glaciers are moving at Mars’ South Pole

Glaciers of carbon dioxide are moving, creating deposits kilometers thick today across the south polar region of Mars, something that could have been going...

Ingenuity Mars Helicopter spots gear that helped Perseverance rover land

NASA's Ingenuity Mars Helicopter recently surveyed both the parachute that helped the agency's Perseverance rover land on Mars and the cone-shaped backshell that protected...

Enigmatic rocks on Mars show evidence of a violent origin

Determining the history of Mars, how it formed and evolved over time, has been a goal of both orbiter and rover missions to the...

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