In the deep subsurface that plunges into the Earth for miles, microscopic organisms inhabit vast bedrock pores and veins. Belowground microorganisms, or microbes, comprise...
Like Plato's Cave, where fires reveal the portrait of an otherwise hidden reality, researchers have for the first time used a stalagmite's chemical signal...
At the boundaries between tectonic plates, narrow rifts can form as Earth’s crust slowly pulls apart.
But how, exactly, does this rifting happen?
Does pressure from...
Geologists Day takes place on the first Sunday in April every year. Finally, a day dedicated to a woefully underrated science. Without geologists, we...
On January 15, the volcano Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha'apai devastated the nation of Tonga. The eruption triggered tsunamis as far afield as the Caribbean and...