Bright yellow, black, red and blue, Alexanor butterflies once fluttered abundantly on southwestern Albania's flowery slopes. Now, like many related species, scientists say they are disappearing due to human impacts, including climate change. Increasingly absent from the...
When I tell people that I study fossils, many assume I am talking about dinosaurs or some equally impressive extinct creatures. But there's far more to be found in the global fossil record, like plants, fish...

Geobiologist’s team discovers ‘missing’ sea sponges

At first glance, the simple sea sponge is no creature of mystery. No brain. No gut. No problem dating it back 700 million years....

Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?

Deposits of designated critical minerals needed to transition the world's energy systems away from fossil fuels may, ironically enough, be co-located with coal deposits...

From fossils to fuel: Energy potential of Mozambique’s Maniamba Basin

In the ever-expanding search for energy resources, a new study has emerged from Mozambique's Maniamba Basin. A team led by Nelson Nhamutole, a Ph.D....

How mantle movements shape Earth’s surface

The movement of tectonic plates shapes the rocky features of Earth's surface. Plates' convergence can form mountain ranges or ocean trenches, and their divergence...

A clock in the rocks: What cosmic rays tell us about Earth’s changing surface and climate

How often do mountains collapse, volcanoes erupt or ice sheets melt? For Earth scientists, these are important questions as we try to improve projections to...

In the Jersey suburbs, a search for rocks to help fight climate change

In early spring, George Okoko was perched on a ledge 15 feet up a crumbly cliff, trying to whack off a basketball-size piece of...

New step in tectonic squeeze that turns seafloor into mountains

Scientists use tiny minerals called zircons as geologic timekeepers. Often no bigger than a grain of sand, these crystals record chemical signatures of the...

New geological study: Scandinavia was born in Greenland

In a Finnish outcrop nestled between some of Northern Europe’s oldest mountains, researchers have found traces of a previously hidden part of Earth’s crust...

New geological study shows Scandinavia was born in Greenland

The oldest Scandinavian bedrock was "born" in Greenland according to a new geological study from the University of Copenhagen. The study helps us understand...

Geologists discover evidence of gas hydrates in the Manila Trench

Gas hydrates are great alternative energy sources but they could also harm us and the environment, note geologists from the University of the Philippines. Much...

Geologists explore the hidden history of Colorado’s Spanish Peaks

If you've driven the mostly flat stretch of I-25 in Colorado from Pueblo to Trinidad, you've seen them: the Spanish Peaks, twin mountains that...

Largest flow of natural hydrogen gas ever found measured in Albanian chromium mine

A team of geologists affiliated with several institutions in France, working with a pair of colleagues from Albania, has measured the largest natural flow...

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