What causes landslides? Can we predict them to save lives?

A devastating landslide struck several remote villages in the mountainous Enga province in Papua New Guinea late last week. While it is too early for...

Can coal mines be tapped for rare earth elements?

Deposits of designated critical minerals needed to transition the world's energy systems away from fossil fuels may, ironically enough, be co-located with coal deposits...

From fossils to fuel: Energy potential of Mozambique’s Maniamba Basin

In the ever-expanding search for energy resources, a new study has emerged from Mozambique's Maniamba Basin. A team led by Nelson Nhamutole, a Ph.D....

How mantle movements shape Earth’s surface

The movement of tectonic plates shapes the rocky features of Earth's surface. Plates' convergence can form mountain ranges or ocean trenches, and their divergence...

A clock in the rocks: What cosmic rays tell us about Earth’s changing surface and climate

How often do mountains collapse, volcanoes erupt or ice sheets melt? For Earth scientists, these are important questions as we try to improve projections to...

In the Jersey suburbs, a search for rocks to help fight climate change

In early spring, George Okoko was perched on a ledge 15 feet up a crumbly cliff, trying to whack off a basketball-size piece of...

Study provides new global accounting of Earth’s rivers

The Colorado River supplies water to more than 40 million people as it snakes through seven U.S. states, including the part of southeastern Utah...

Herds of endangered hippos trapped in mud in drought-hit Botswana

Herds of endangered hippos stuck in the mud of dried-up ponds are in danger of dying in drought-struck Botswana, conservation authorities told AFP Friday. Southern...

New step in tectonic squeeze that turns seafloor into mountains

Scientists use tiny minerals called zircons as geologic timekeepers. Often no bigger than a grain of sand, these crystals record chemical signatures of the...

A new way to study and help prevent landslides

Landslides are one of the most destructive natural disasters on the planet, causing billions of dollars of damage and devastating loss of life every...

Researchers find oldest undisputed evidence of Earth’s magnetic field

A new study, led by the University of Oxford and MIT, has recovered a 3.7-billion-year-old record of Earth's magnetic field, and found that it...

Mantle heat may have boosted Earth’s crust 3 billion years ago

Little is known about the nature and evolution of Earth's continental crust before a few billion years ago because cratons, or stable swaths of...

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