Why Venus died

Venus is only slightly smaller than the Earth, and so has enjoyed billions of years of a warm heart. But for this planet, sometimes...

Life on Earth uses water as a solvent. What are some other options for life as we don’t know it?

There is a vast menagerie of potentially habitable worlds in the cosmos, which means the universe could be home to a diversity of life...

Team discovers evidence of cometary dust hitting the asteroid Ryugu

Ryugu is a near-Earth asteroid that gained significant attention when the Japanese Hayabusa2 mission collected samples and returned them to Earth. These samples have...

A Jupiter-sized planet has been hiding a big secret: A 350,000-mile-long tail

WASP-69b is having a hot girl summer that never ends. The huge gaseous exoplanet, roughly the size of Jupiter and approximately 160 light years...

Should we send humans to Pluto?

Universe Today has examined the potential for sending humans to Jupiter's icy moon, Europa, the planet Venus, and Saturn's largest moon, Titan, all despite...

India’s Sun probe reaches solar orbit

India's solar observation mission on Saturday entered the Sun's orbit after a four-month journey, the latest success for the space exploration ambitions of the...

The most massive neutron stars probably have cores of quark matter

Atoms are made of three things: protons, neutrons, and electrons. Electrons are a type of fundamental particle, but protons and neutrons are composite particles...

Navajo object to depositing human remains on Moon

The United States will soon launch its first spacecraft to attempt a soft lunar landing since the Apollo era, in a historic collaboration with...

Mysterious missing component in the clouds of Venus revealed

What are the clouds of Venus made of? Scientists know it's mainly made of sulfuric acid droplets, with some water, chlorine, and iron. Their...

After all of this time searching for aliens, are we stuck with the zoo hypothesis?

In 1950, during a lunchtime conversation with colleagues at the Los Alamos National Laboratory, famed physicist Enrico Fermi asked the question that launched a...

NASA’s Juno to get close look at Jupiter’s volcanic moon Io on Dec. 30

NASA's Juno spacecraft will on Saturday, Dec. 30, make the closest flyby of Jupiter's moon Io that any spacecraft has made in over 20...

Recent volcanism on Mars reveals a planet more active than previously thought

A vast, flat, "featureless" plain on Mars surprised researchers by revealing a much more tumultuous geologic past than expected, according to a study led...

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