Bright yellow, black, red and blue, Alexanor butterflies once fluttered abundantly on southwestern Albania's flowery slopes. Now, like many related species, scientists say they are disappearing due to human impacts, including climate change. Increasingly absent from the...
When I tell people that I study fossils, many assume I am talking about dinosaurs or some equally impressive extinct creatures. But there's far more to be found in the global fossil record, like plants, fish...

NASA is considering other ways of getting its Mars samples home

In 2021, NASA's Perseverance rover landed in the Jezero Crater on Mars. For the next three years, this astrobiology mission collected soil and rock...

Astrophysicists calculate the likelihood that Earth was exposed to cold harsh interstellar clouds 2 million years ago

Around two million years ago, Earth was a very different place, with our early human ancestors living alongside saber-toothed tigers, mastodons, and enormous rodents....

First detection of frost on the solar system’s tallest volcanoes on Mars

For the first time, water frost has been detected on the colossal volcanoes on Mars, which are the largest mountains in the solar system....

Fifty-year mystery of Mars’ slow polar ice flow solved

Mars polar ice caps were one of the first Earth-like characteristics identified on Mars. Since the development of film in the 19th Century, researchers...

The sun is reaching the peak of its activity—here’s how that could cause more auroras and solar storms

Many more people around the world than normal were recently able to see the northern and southern lights overhead with the naked eye. This...

China lands a spacecraft on the moon’s far side to collect rocks for study

A Chinese spacecraft landed on the far side of the moon Sunday to collect soil and rock samples that could provide insights into differences...

Cryovolcanism: Why study it? What can it teach us about finding life beyond Earth?

Universe Today has had the privilege of spending the last several months venturing into a multitude of scientific disciplines, including impact craters, planetary surfaces,...

Recent and extensive volcanism discovered on Venus

A new analysis of data collected on Venus more than 30 years ago suggests the planet may currently be volcanically active. A research group from...

Potentially habitable ‘exo-Venus’ with Earth-like temperature discovered

Astronomers have made the rare and tantalizing discovery of an Earth-like exoplanet 40 light-years away that may be just a little warmer than our...

Scientists’ research answers big question about our system’s largest planet

New discoveries about Jupiter could lead to a better understanding of Earth's own space environment and influence a long-running scientific debate about the solar...

Hera asteroid mission’s side-trip to Mars

ESA's Hera asteroid mission for planetary defense will make a swingby of Mars next March, borrowing speed to help reach its target Didymos binary...

A NASA rover has reached a promising place to search for fossilized life on Mars

While we go about our daily lives on Earth, a nuclear-powered robot the size of a small car is trundling around Mars looking for...

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