Author: contact.geology

California signs $2.6 billion ecological pact

It's a major source of California's water supply and a vital habitat for fish, migratory birds and other species. But the Sacramento-San Joaquin River Delta...

No obituary for Earth: Scientists fight climate doom talk

It's not the end of the world. It only seems that way. Climate change is going to get worse, but as gloomy as the latest...

Strange ‘reverse shock wave’ supernova is exploding in the wrong direction

Part of the shock wave is shrinking rather than expanding. A powerful shock wave traveling through a cloud of gas left behind by the explosive...

Ukraine invasion’s impacts on the world of science

The Russian invasion of Ukraine is being felt far and wide, from risks to nuclear power plants to impacts on science experiments to fear...

Rare primordial gas may be leaking out of Earth’s core

This gas was formed in the aftermath of the Big Bang. An extremely rare type of helium that was created soon after the Big Bang...

Why isn’t Earth perfectly round?

It's similar to why your arms feel pulled outward when you spin. If you had an enormous measuring tape that started at Earth's center and...

The sun let out another flare and the photos are stunning

NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographs the sun with 10 times the resolution of high-definition television. NASA's orbiting Solar Dynamics Observatory captured yet another solar flare...

First-of-its-kind detection of reduced human carbon dioxide emissions

For the first time, researchers have spotted short-term, regional fluctuations in atmospheric carbon dioxide (CO2) around the globe due to emissions from human activities. Using...

Fire and rain: West to get more one-two extreme climate hits

The one-two punch of nasty wildfires followed by heavy downpours, triggering flooding and mudslides, will strike the U.S. West far more often in a...

Earthquake faults are smarter than we usually think

Northwestern University researchers now have an answer to a vexing age-old question: Why do earthquakes sometimes come in clusters? The research team has developed a...

As tectonic plates pull apart, what drives the formation of rifts?

At the boundaries between tectonic plates, narrow rifts can form as Earth’s crust slowly pulls apart. But how, exactly, does this rifting happen? Does pressure from...

Chrysoberyl: One of the world’s most expensive Gemstone

The mineral or gemstone chrysoberyl is a beryllium aluminate with the formula BeAl2O4. The name chrysoberyl is derived from the Greekwords χρυσός chrysos and...

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