Author: contact.geology

Erosion by the Upper Ebro is decelerating and could eventually stop

How are fluvial valleys formed? Why do rivers cut valleys? Which mechanisms control the rate of fluvial incision? These are universal questions in Geomorphology...

Video: Space telescope ‘a little like a time machine’

Assistant professor Michael Maseda was one of many who contributed to development of the James Webb Space Telescope. He looks forward to using the instrument...

Largest comet ever seen has a heart ‘blacker than coal,’ and it’s headed this way

Astronomers have measured the icy heart of one of the largest comets ever discovered — a gargantuan, 4 billion-year-old rock that's currently barreling toward...

Modeling Earth’s magnetosphere in the laboratory

A magnetosphere forms around any magnetized object, such as a planet, that is immersed within a stream of ionized gas, called plasma. Because Earth...

Image: The largest antenna ever tested in ESA’s Hertz radio frequency test chamber

The largest antenna ever tested in ESA's Hertz radio frequency test chamber is this 5-m diameter transponder antenna, which will operate down on the...

Mars astronauts will create fuel by having a shower

When astronauts begin exploring Mars, they will face numerous challenges. Aside from the time and energy it takes to get there and all the...

Deforestation drives climate change that harms remaining forest

In a paper published today in Nature Communications, a team led by scientists from the University of California, Irvine, using climate models and satellite...

New study and interactive map point to environmental justice disparities (and solutions) in land conservation

A new study in Environmental Research Letters shows striking disparities in the distribution of conserved land across multiple dimensions of social marginalization in New...

Keeping climate pledges limits warming to 2 degrees

If nations do all that they've promised to fight climate change, the world can still meet one of two internationally agreed upon goals for...

Unearthing evidence for the origins of plate tectonics

Minerals trapped inside tiny crystals that have survived the grinding of the continents over billions of years may help to reveal the origins of...

Inhospitable climate fosters gold ore formation

The Witwatersrand Basin in South Africa holds the world’s largest gold deposits across a 200-km long swathe. Individual ore deposits are spread out in...

2014 Napa earthquake continued to creep

On August 24, 2014, just south of Napa, California, a fault in the Earth suddenly slipped, violently shifting and splitting huge blocks of solid...

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